26 maj 2019 |  Helg

Svenska jordgubbar

När mina föräldrar var här igår fick även jag lite presenter även om det var min brorsa som stod i fokus. Det som låg i mitt ”paket” var svenska jordgubbar och såklart min favoritgurka – den vita som inte går att få tag i här i Stockholm. Gurkan som ska ligga på en leverpastejs-macka. Så, dagen till ära hade jag såklart jordgubbar till kaffet.

Blir lika lycklig varje gång det är tid för våra svenska juveler. De smakar så himla gott och jag tror inte att det finns något bättre under sommarperioden, eller hur?

Idag regnar det och jag håller tummarna för att det slutar då jag ska hem till min ”andra” familj på grillkväll. Men som väderappen utlovar ska det bli sol vid 16-tiden. Tills dess ska jag öppna upp mejlen och jobba lite, strukturera inför kommande vecka!

When my parents were here yesterday I also got some presents even though it was my brother who was in focus. My parents gave me Swedish strawberries and of course my favorite cucumber – the white one that cannot be found here in Stockholm. The cucumber to put on a liver paste sandwich. So, the day of honor, of course, I had strawberries together with my coffee.

I get so happy every time it is time for our Swedish jewels. They taste so deliciously good and I don’t think there is anything better during the summer season, right?

Today it is raining and I hope that it ends soon thou I am going to my ”second” family on a barbecue evening. But as the weather app promises, it should be sunny at 4 o’clock. Until then I will open up my e-mail and work a little, structure for the coming week!

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Make it a perfect flow 🌊💙 ...

I get a lot of questions why I run, expose myself to hard races and train when it is possible to sit down in a comfy sofa (😘)

I don’t have a good answer to it except that I want to be strong and a receipt that it is possible despite t1 diabetes.

Summer for me has in recent years not gotten the star shine it should.
2020 I got sepsis, got very sick and hospitalized all summer. Was discharged with a catheter for one kidney and thus half man half woman for a few months.
In 2021, I had surgery for what had caused my sepsis. Östling’s kidney.
In 2023 I had to cancel my vacation, go straight to the emergency room and hospitalized for more than 2 weeks due to an infection in the kidney that caused a lot of pain, tears and a resignation I didn’t think I could handle.

None of this is related to T1 diabetes and nothing I could have done differently to avoid.

Despite that, I was determined. Copenhagen Half Marathon 2023, Stockholm Marathon 2024, what’s next?

There are obviously more diseases than diabetes but life goes on and there are a lot of positives in life that you have to take advantage of 🫶🏻❤️

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