23 april 2019 |  Diabetes

Mitt minsta problem

Visst känns det som måndag idag?

Jag är helt förvirrad och det tror jag inte att jag är ensam om. Det kommer inte bli bättre av att jag på torsdag morgon sitter på ett flyg mot Milano! Som jag längtar. Jag ser fram emot massa god mat, massa vin och soliga dagar. Jag har aldrig varit i varken Milano, Genua eller Florence och jag ser fram emot att se skillnaderna från Rom där jag var för några år sedan. Kanske att jag träffar någon diabetiker?

Nu när solen äntligen har kommit till Sverige och Stockholm vet jag att det finns en oro som diabetiker att man blir solbränd som resulterar i märken efter sin cgm. Jag känner helt tvärtom. Jag har typ 1 diabetes, jag använder dexcom som får mig att leva ett väldigt normalt liv (vad du normalt är) och känner spontant att det där märket som kommer efter min cgm är mitt absolut minsta problem. Måendet nu när det är soligt och ljust mycket längre på kvällarna får mitt mående och min hälsa att jubla att den vita huden som inte får se någon sol inte gör mig något.

I am completely confused about the days and believe it’s Monday today, and I do not think that I am alone. It will for sure not get any better because on Thursday morning I’ll be on a plane to Milan! As I longing for. I look forward to eat lots of good food, drink Italian wine and enjoy sunny days with my family. I have never been to either Milan, Genoa or Florence and I look forward to seeing the differences from Rome where I was a few years ago. Maybe I meet some friends with diabetes?

Now that the sun has finally arrived in Sweden and Stockholm, I know that there is a concern that diabetics are being sunburned which results in badges after their cgm. I feel quite the opposite. I have type 1 diabetes, I use Dexcom which makes me having a very normal life (what is a normal life?) and feel spontaneously that the brand that comes after my cgm is my absolute minimum problem. The way now, that it is sunny and bright much longer in the evenings, makes my health shine from inside that the white skin that does not see any sun does not make me anything. The market will not be a problem at all!

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I was invited to hear about research on type 1 diabetes (and type 2 diabetes) this weekend.

As much as half of all cases, t1, are diagnosed in adulthood, and there is a need to understand the factors that contribute to the development of type 1 diabetes in adults. The lower heritability in adults suggests that environmental factors play a greater role in the development of the disease in adults than in children. They also highlighted the need for further research to identify environmental factors that contribute to type 1 diabetes in adults.

And, of course, lots of important information on how to make transplanted beta cells survive 💙

Someone told me that Diabetes is not a barrier but a different path that brings lessons on strength, resilience, and the significance of self care 💕
Over the years, with many lows and highs - I’ve learned to not expecting everything to be perfect all the time.

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