3 oktober 2016 |  Recept

Glutenfritt morotsbröd i långpanna


2 dl riven morot

3 ägg

1/2 dl mandelmjöl

1/2 dl kokosmjöl

1 msk fiberhusk

1 tsk bakpulver



Gör så här:

Sätt ugnen på 200 grader. 

Riv morot och blanda ihop med resterande ingredienser. 

Låt degen vila i ca 10 minuter. 

Bred ut smeten på ett bakplåtspapper och toppa med dina favoritfrön/nötter. 

Grädda i ca 10-12 minuter. 

Låt brödet svalna lite innan du skär brödet i lagom stora bitar.


Lämna ett svar

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I was invited to hear about research on type 1 diabetes (and type 2 diabetes) this weekend.

As much as half of all cases, t1, are diagnosed in adulthood, and there is a need to understand the factors that contribute to the development of type 1 diabetes in adults. The lower heritability in adults suggests that environmental factors play a greater role in the development of the disease in adults than in children. They also highlighted the need for further research to identify environmental factors that contribute to type 1 diabetes in adults.

And, of course, lots of important information on how to make transplanted beta cells survive 💙

Someone told me that Diabetes is not a barrier but a different path that brings lessons on strength, resilience, and the significance of self care 💕
Over the years, with many lows and highs - I’ve learned to not expecting everything to be perfect all the time.

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