19 maj 2019 |  Helg



Det är söndag och här sitter jag nyvaken med en kopp kaffe och frukost. Det sägs att det ska regna i princip hela dagen men just nu är det faktiskt uppehåll så jag tänkte passa på att gå en lite promenad. Regn är verkligen skit, lätt att man (läs; jag) blir strandsatt hemma och rastlös, haha!

I skålen ser ni grekisk yoghurt, hallon, nötter och glutenfri granola från ICA. Så gott och så länge sen! Igår handlade jag en massa färska örter och jag har en plan på att göra ugnsbakade baguetter med härlig fyllning till lunch. Vi får se hur det går!

Önskar er en trevlig söndag!

Good Morning!

It’s Sunday and here I’m with a cup of coffee and breakfast. It says it’s going to rain all day but just now it’s not so I’m soon heading out for a little walk. Rain is really shit, easy that I get stranded at home and restless, haha!

In the bowl you’ll see full fat Greek yogurt, raspberries, nuts and gluten-free granola from ICA. So good and so long ago! Yesterday I bought a lot of fresh herbs and I have a plan to make oven baked baguettes with delicious filling for lunch. We’ll see how it goes!

Happy Sunday!

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Make it a perfect flow 🌊💙 ...

I get a lot of questions why I run, expose myself to hard races and train when it is possible to sit down in a comfy sofa (😘)

I don’t have a good answer to it except that I want to be strong and a receipt that it is possible despite t1 diabetes.

Summer for me has in recent years not gotten the star shine it should.
2020 I got sepsis, got very sick and hospitalized all summer. Was discharged with a catheter for one kidney and thus half man half woman for a few months.
In 2021, I had surgery for what had caused my sepsis. Östling’s kidney.
In 2023 I had to cancel my vacation, go straight to the emergency room and hospitalized for more than 2 weeks due to an infection in the kidney that caused a lot of pain, tears and a resignation I didn’t think I could handle.

None of this is related to T1 diabetes and nothing I could have done differently to avoid.

Despite that, I was determined. Copenhagen Half Marathon 2023, Stockholm Marathon 2024, what’s next?

There are obviously more diseases than diabetes but life goes on and there are a lot of positives in life that you have to take advantage of 🫶🏻❤️

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