31 maj 2018 |  Recept


Receptet för 18 bullar:

250 gram solrosfrön
100 g pumpakärnor
100 g linfrön
100 g sesamfrön
5 dl vatten
2 1/2 msk fiberHusk

The recipe for 18 buns:

250 grams of sunflower seeds
100 g pumpkin seeds
100 g flaxseed
100 g of sesame seeds
5 dl of water
2 1/2 tablespoons Psyllium Husk

Gör så här:

Sätt ugnen på 180 grader.
Mät upp, väg upp ingredienserna och tillsätt till sist fiberhusk. FiberHusk gör att degen blir deg och det kan gå undan! 
Vänta ca 10 minuter och låt degen ”vila”.
Ta hjälp av en sked och forma frallor i önskad storlek på en plåt eller varför inte ta muffinsformar till hjälp!
Grädda sedan i 60 minuter.
Förvara de i kylskåp.

Do this:

Put the oven at 180 degrees.
Measure up, weigh up the ingredients 
Wait about 10 minutes and let the dough ”rest”.
Take a spoon and shape the dough of the size you want!
Bake for 60 minutes.
Store them in the refrigerator.

Lämna ett svar

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Make it a perfect flow 🌊💙 ...

I get a lot of questions why I run, expose myself to hard races and train when it is possible to sit down in a comfy sofa (😘)

I don’t have a good answer to it except that I want to be strong and a receipt that it is possible despite t1 diabetes.

Summer for me has in recent years not gotten the star shine it should.
2020 I got sepsis, got very sick and hospitalized all summer. Was discharged with a catheter for one kidney and thus half man half woman for a few months.
In 2021, I had surgery for what had caused my sepsis. Östling’s kidney.
In 2023 I had to cancel my vacation, go straight to the emergency room and hospitalized for more than 2 weeks due to an infection in the kidney that caused a lot of pain, tears and a resignation I didn’t think I could handle.

None of this is related to T1 diabetes and nothing I could have done differently to avoid.

Despite that, I was determined. Copenhagen Half Marathon 2023, Stockholm Marathon 2024, what’s next?

There are obviously more diseases than diabetes but life goes on and there are a lot of positives in life that you have to take advantage of 🫶🏻❤️

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