15 juni 2019 |  Diabetes

Fördel med att använda omlottklänning

Jag sitter i denna stund på Bryssels flygplats. Jag ska om några minuter gå på sista planet mot Nice. Något som jag tänkte på nu idag var glädjen i att jag tog på mig en omlottklänning i morse. Det kan kännas lite naket och utelämnande att dra ner jeansen och ta upp tröjan för att injicera insulin men med denna klänning märks det inte alls! Eller jo, kanske om någon verkligen stirrar men tror inte att så många märker. Mindre än vad man tror.

Så ett tips till er kvinnor där ute. Använd omlottklänning! Det är inte bara himla snyggt utan underlättar även injektioner, haha! Nu så, nu ska jag boarda. Vi hörs när jag är framme i Cannes

I am currently sitting at Brussels Airport. In a few minutes I will be on the final plane towards Nice. Something I was thinking about now was the joy of taking on a wrap dress this morning. It can feel a little naked and omit to pull down the jeans and pick up the shirt to inject insulin but with this dress it is not a problem at all! Or, maybe, if someone really stares but doesn’t think so many notice. Less than you thought.

So one tip for your women out there. Use wrap dress! It is not only very neat but also facilitates injections, haha! Now so, I’m going to board. I’m keeping you updated when I have arrived in Cannes

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Make it a perfect flow 🌊💙 ...

I get a lot of questions why I run, expose myself to hard races and train when it is possible to sit down in a comfy sofa (😘)

I don’t have a good answer to it except that I want to be strong and a receipt that it is possible despite t1 diabetes.

Summer for me has in recent years not gotten the star shine it should.
2020 I got sepsis, got very sick and hospitalized all summer. Was discharged with a catheter for one kidney and thus half man half woman for a few months.
In 2021, I had surgery for what had caused my sepsis. Östling’s kidney.
In 2023 I had to cancel my vacation, go straight to the emergency room and hospitalized for more than 2 weeks due to an infection in the kidney that caused a lot of pain, tears and a resignation I didn’t think I could handle.

None of this is related to T1 diabetes and nothing I could have done differently to avoid.

Despite that, I was determined. Copenhagen Half Marathon 2023, Stockholm Marathon 2024, what’s next?

There are obviously more diseases than diabetes but life goes on and there are a lot of positives in life that you have to take advantage of 🫶🏻❤️

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