25 april 2019 |  Mat

Framme i Genua

Vi har äntligen kommit till Italien och till vårt första stopp, Genua. Vi flög till Milano där vi hämtade vår bil som vi ska hyra nu under några dagar. Genua är en stad som är otroligt vacker och vi har strosat omkring, ätit goda oliver, tittat på stora båtar och ätit super god mat (bland annat mozzarella) samt druckit deras lokala rödvin.

Jag måste tacka Er för all feedback kring min post på Instagram om bland annat min ätstörning! Det är nästan lite overkligt och läskigt att gå ut med min historia men med tanke på den brist som finns idag känns det helt rätt. Jag ska försöks njuta av min semester i Italien nu resterande dagar med fina vyer, min familj och god mat! I morgon bär det av mot Florence!

We have finally arrived in Italy and to our first stop, Genova. We flew to Milan where we picked up our car that we are having these days in Italy. Genova is a really incredibly beautiful city and we have been strolling around, eaten good olives, looked at big boats, eaten super delicious mozzarella and drank their local red wine!

I have to thank you for all the feedback about my post about my eating disorder. It’s almost a little bit uneasy and a little bit scary to go out public but with the shortage that exists today, it feels 100% right!

I will try to relax now when I’m on a holiday with my family! Tomorrow we are heading to Florence!

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I was invited to hear about research on type 1 diabetes (and type 2 diabetes) this weekend.

As much as half of all cases, t1, are diagnosed in adulthood, and there is a need to understand the factors that contribute to the development of type 1 diabetes in adults. The lower heritability in adults suggests that environmental factors play a greater role in the development of the disease in adults than in children. They also highlighted the need for further research to identify environmental factors that contribute to type 1 diabetes in adults.

And, of course, lots of important information on how to make transplanted beta cells survive 💙

Someone told me that Diabetes is not a barrier but a different path that brings lessons on strength, resilience, and the significance of self care 💕
Over the years, with many lows and highs - I’ve learned to not expecting everything to be perfect all the time.

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