6 september 2017 |  Recept

Glutenfritt proteinbröd


4 ägg

1 dl creme fraiche

3 msk rapsolja

1 msk bakpulver

1 dl skalade sesamfrön

1 dl solroskärnor

2 dl pofiber

1 msk fiberhusk

½ tsk salt

Gör såhär:

Sätt ugnen på 175 grader. Vispa äggen och blanda sedan i crème fraîche och olja. Rör om ordentligt.

Blanda sedan de torra ingredienserna. Häll i dem och blanda runt. Degen kommer vara lös. Låt den stå och svälla en stund.

Lägg i bakplåtspapper i botten på en brödform. Hade enbart en stor form och formade en mindre variant med hjälp av folie. Häll i brödsmeten. Grädda i ca 50 min. 

Ät det ni behöver på en gång, skiva sedan upp brödet och frys in det i skivor.


Lämna ett svar

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I was invited to hear about research on type 1 diabetes (and type 2 diabetes) this weekend.

As much as half of all cases, t1, are diagnosed in adulthood, and there is a need to understand the factors that contribute to the development of type 1 diabetes in adults. The lower heritability in adults suggests that environmental factors play a greater role in the development of the disease in adults than in children. They also highlighted the need for further research to identify environmental factors that contribute to type 1 diabetes in adults.

And, of course, lots of important information on how to make transplanted beta cells survive 💙

Someone told me that Diabetes is not a barrier but a different path that brings lessons on strength, resilience, and the significance of self care 💕
Over the years, with many lows and highs - I’ve learned to not expecting everything to be perfect all the time.

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